

Playing Safely On The Playground

The swings! The seesaw! The slide! The jungle gym! The playground is a wonderful place for children to have fun and get exercise. They can build t...

Tips for Treating Cuts

You are preparing vegetables for dinner and the knife slips and cuts into your finger. Your child is using scissors and accidentally cuts into her...

Pool Safety

One way to keep cool during the summer is in the pool! Here are a few tips to help keep you and your family safe while you enjoy splashing and swi...

Car Trip Safety

Summer vacation! I have fond memories of family trips up and down the East Coast of the United States. We would pack up the car and hit the road, ...

You Can Save A Life

Most of us are not first responders, those heroes who come on the scene of an emergency and handle it with just the right action to save lives. Bu...

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